Title Page Name of the plant High-quality image of the mature plant Brief descriptor (edible, medicinal, useful) Use Canadian metric measurements for everything Introduction Description of the plant, include hardiness zone, adult height, how many you need for optimal pollinations, years to fruit production, flowering time, fruit ripening time, and life expectancy. Historical and cultural context Overview of its edible, medicinal, or useful properties Planting Outdoors When and where to plant the live plant seedlings in pots, during the growing season, and with enough time to establish roots. Soil requirements (pH, texture, nutrient needs), note if they can accomodate sandy loam, clay loam. Spacing and depth recommendations, Transplanting (the 15cm deep plugs in thin fabric pots that let the roots go through into the soil) Mulching with wood chips to suppress weeds around, and option of planting spring bulbs around to suppress grass. Protection from wildlife, include option of fencing, and also growing determent companion plants around like thistles. Ongoing Plant Care Watering how often, include number of days or weeks, how to tell by the soil dryness if it needs watering. Fertilizing schedules, for all seasons, also for fruit production, include expected years to fruit production Pruning and training information (if applicable) Common pests and diseases, and how to handle them, include planting wild flowers to attract beneficial insects. Winterizing Talk about how to winterize the seedlings especially in the first years to avoid dieback during the winter, and protect from hungry animals like rabbits and voles. Include when to start winterizing, and when to take off the winterizing for the following year. Also include what protections to keep in place for the next years growth. Harvesting and Storage Signs of maturity for harvest, including how old they are when they begin to fruit, when they reach peak production, and when they get too old. How to harvest (method and tools), include possible use of fruit pickers and such specialized tools Post-harvest storage and usage guidelines, include various types such as fresh, refrigerated, freezing, canning and dehydrating. Recipes and Usage Ideas Ideas for using the plant (culinary uses, medicinal uses, etc.) Simple recipes or food preparations (if applicable) Simple recipes for medicinal or useful preparations Seed Starting and Germination When to start seeds (time of year, conditions), make sure to backdate it to allow for startification time. Details on germination (temperature, how long to stratify, and if applicable scarification or light requirements, etc) and what percentage germination can be expected. Best pots and potting soil to start them in, minimum depth 10cm or greater. Other Propagation methods Information on how to propagate the plant in other ways, such as cloning from cuttings, grafting, division, etc. Seedling Care Ideal growing conditions (light, temperature, humidity) Watering and fertilizer recommendations Transplanting guidelines (if applicable), after a few weeks include hydroponic cal-mag and chelated micronutrients. before planting out, drought stress and PK fert for root development. Frequently Asked Questions Address common questions or issues faced while growing and caring for the plant Resources and References List of references or resources for further reading and learning Contact Information Your business contact details for any queries and follow-ups