1982/1212_01.txt:45:As this process of balancing continues within your own being, this growth then acts as a healing process to your own complex of mind, body and spirit. The process of growth and the process of healing, therefore, are one process. As you proceed upon this journey you became able to offer a service to others which has been likened unto shining a light in the darkness. The minds and hearts of others are touched, inspiration is delivered and received. You may further refine this process by offering to the physical vehicle of another the catalyst, shall we say, that allows that entity to complete the process of healing within itself in a certain distortion if that entity so requests it to the depths of its being. Then you function as what you may call a healer upon the levels of mind, body and spirit. 1983/1023.txt:19:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. We feel confident that should your thinking continue as it has that you will indeed discover a larger and larger portion of the picture in which you find yourself a painted portion. But it is our joy to make comment as well. In this case as in all cases, we see the one Creator in various portion or distortion. This entity of which you speak is the one Creator with a unique point of view in order that it might learn certain lessons, well or poorly. The same might be said of you. The situation which binds you together is that catalyst which offers both of you an opportunity to learn the basic lesson of love in some way, well or perfect, consciously or unconsciously. 1985/0922.txt:33:I am L/Leema, and we will attempt comment that does not overly confuse. The body, in its function of providing the physical orgasm, serves as a trigger for the levering effect which we mentioned previously. The trigger, then being pulled, will allow further work according to the degree of success of the seeker in previous use of mental catalyst and physical catalyst in the process of its own inner balancing or accepting of lessons presented in the daily round of activities. Thus, prepared by such disciplined meditative balancing, the mind and body may rest in their accepted distortions and the greater work of wind and fire may then proceed through the purified intentions of the entities so utilizing the sexual energy transfer. 1985/1229.txt:12:There are very few—but it is notable enough that we mention this—who are so efficient in processing catalyst in the present moment that space begins to buckle inward under the burden of successfully approached and used catalyst. In that case, the entity who seeks will find itself in the creation in a true sense for the first time, for when time begins its full operation there is the possibility of spacelessness or the unity of all space. In this distortion lies a compassion which cannot be approached except by those few among your peoples who have used catalyst with a fervor and enthusiasm and a conscious knowledge of the probity of such an exercise. 1986/1116.txt:14:We would suggest that there be made special time for meditation. What could be gained in meditation, you may ask, when the problem, the catalyst, is coming from another? And we do not give a sympathetic response this time either, for the only sphere in which any entity has power is the sphere of himself. True power is power over the self and the right use of power involves the self. There are in any difficulties which you experience, whether or not another has difficulties, problems of perception within yourself, my children. If you see anything except the face of love, you are having difficulties with perception. The distortions are understandable and unnoticeable relative to other entities within the illusion. You may even feel that you have a clearer picture than others, and indeed you may. 1987/0920.txt:15:Each entity is utterly responsible for itself. The influences of early, late and middle childhood, all influences whatever, let us say, are designed as catalyst, chosen by the self before incarnation, and encountered while the mind dwells within an illusion which keeps the entire mind from knowing how the greater mind hoped that the lesser mind would react. However, you will find that you and those who helped you before your incarnation used a fairly heavy hand with the hints that point the seeking self to do the work along the lines that were intense before incarnation. Again and again throughout an incarnation, John will find, and you will find, that there is a return and again a return to a particular theme of learning about love and service, something that is difficult, something with which you grapple, and each time that you face it, you understand just a bit more, and you recognize the bones beneath the flesh of catalyst, so that you can say, “Aha, I know this anatomy. I have healed the break in these bones before.” And thus, little by little, you work with that lesson which you have given yourself to learn, healing more and more the distortion that you have wished to heal, and turning more and more to a clearer, more lucid perception of the great thought of love, which is the life of all creation. 1988/0228.txt:9:Perhaps the greatest single life-threatening instance of the negative thought form is that found within your hospitals, for those who are there are often experiencing extreme physical catalyst in the distortion towards pain, and thus are immensely radiant of vibration along physical lines which often entrain, depress and nearly madden the emotional circuitry of the same entity. This rich harvest of pain and suffering, fear and despair is well enjoyed, and thus those who are already ill experience even more unease of mind, body and spirit as they must remain free from those emotional expressions manifesting from the catalyst of pain which attract negative thought forms. 1988/0403.txt:17:When one moves away from, “I want, I feel, I think, I like, I dislike,” and so forth, one is left empty, and may perhaps feel that the comfortable structure that houses one’s ethics and principles have been left behind also. It is a naked feeling. It is a difficult feeling to achieve, for one who has not carefully examined the huge weight of opinion and accepted authority in one’s life has no idea of the percentage of the active portion of the conscious mind which is involved in processing catalyst using these distortions rather than experiencing catalyst with an open heart, an open mind, and a knowledge of the self’s true identity. 1988/0622.txt:7:Be love! That [which] most of your people’s experience in a lifetime is that which approaches that which we call love. For within your vision there is no possibility other than the distortion of that which you call love, as each attempts in his own way to approach a clearer experience and understanding of what it means to love and to be loved. The experience of romantic love, as it is called, is that which is new in a relative sense for most people of your culture and is that which is a further refinement upon the kind of love that builds its base upon devotion and commitment. The idea that the emotions might add their portion to the concepts of love is both a refinement of that which has been known as love among your people and a distortion of that which we see as the [giving] of self without condition to all who seek in service or interaction [inaudible]. And is an experience which from our point of view enhances the generation of catalyst among your people, for the concept of romantic love is that attraction which brings together those which might learn each from the other. However, we find that much disappointment follows many who do not find this quality or portion of love remaining in a strong and steady fashion in its manifestation in any relationship. 1988/1009.txt:5:That which is hatred and that which is anger, and all of those emotions which may be called negative, are distortions of love. They manifest through the distorted individual by blocking energy and trapping this energy in the center involved in the changing, confusing difficulty which is catalyst for distorted love. This catalyst may be extreme. However, may we say that that which the questioner considers hatred it does not know in full intensity, for it is incapable of achieving the purity of negative emotion which would be necessary for those which wish to polarize negatively. Nevertheless, we in no way disregard or lessen any of those emotions which are beyond the control of the entity at this time. 1988/1009.txt:8:We are aware that each has chosen the path of unity, peace, the love of neighbor, the hope for peace within all nations, all hearts and all peoples, and above all the seeking of the one infinite Creator. To those who wish to ameliorate the negative emotions they feel, action is necessary. The first action one may take is to outlast the length of time one is capable of feeling the same catalyst. This is, as this instrument would say, an easy way out, in that no effort must be expended, but merely existence prolonged. However, we are aware that each wishes to move as quickly as possible along the pilgrim’s path towards the mysterious face of truth. Thusly, we would give you harder ways to work upon the distortions of love which are the result of blockages which keep energy from moving through the lower energies into the heart energy of unconditional love, which the one known as Aaron has such a great deal of. 1989/0312.txt:10:Now, you are here to learn, rather than to dispense information and learning to others. The learning is primary; the fruits of that learning, secondary. Thusly, that which comes to a seeker from the faces of those around the seeker will reflect various facets of that seeker to itself, as a mirror may reflect accurately or in a most distorted fashion. Indeed, all of the mirrors are distortions, in some way, of love, yet the catalyst that this distortion of love may bring is far from a joyful experience. 1989/0709.txt:46:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. In this situation, we find that there are those instances in which the lessons which have been set forth by each entity have been learned to the fullest extent that each is able to achieve without some deterioration of the overall purpose of the relationship. In most cases, a relationship which is entered into is that situation which is most appropriate and beneficial for the lessons which remain for each entity. Oftentimes, however, there is a, shall we say, a souring of the catalyst which each feels due to the inability to balance certain distortions within the individual life pattern. In such a situation, the separation of the entities is much like the marathon runner discovering that at the midway point through the race it must stop and catch its breath, so to speak. 1989/0709.txt:47:In each instance, whether it be the race or the relationship, it is advisable for each entity to consider well the obstacles that caused the need to catch the breath, in order that these might be worked upon as catalysts, so that there is a balancing of distortions that would then allow the beginning again of the race, whether with the same mate or with another is not of the greatest importance as is the beginning again of the race in order that the lessons which have been set forth might be worked upon as much as is possible, for the lessons have been chosen with great care and offer the greatest opportunity for each entity’s personal growth and service to others. 1989/1105.txt:24:Now, perception without distortion is a sure yielding of joy. On the other hand, each must distort, through the physical senses, the catalyst which comes to one. The senses you have are those given to all and they are all illusory. To base one’s seeking for vital energy on the life experience or anything which it may offer is to put one’s trust in that which perishes. The key to joy is the realization that you are an imperishable being. You are a being which is love and is called to love. The Creator created each out of love and placed within each free will and Itself. You are moving through the disciplining of your own free will. And that disciplining must be done freely, the choices your own, in order for that joy which underlies all things to begin to bubble up into the life experience. 1990/0225.txt:16:Each of you has read many, many texts which attempt to aid in the process of accelerating the evolution of mind, body and spirit. The catalyst for the discipline of personality is joyful remembering of who you are. As you remember who you are, more and more of that which you may willfully seem to be, but which you are not, is no longer needed and falls away. The effort is not in pushing away the things of this world, as this instrument would say. The effort is in creating within the self a joyful remembrance of love as the nature of the true self, which creates an atmosphere in which gradually, and in a rhythmic, appropriate time, one after another, those things which are hindrances to joy fall away. Anger is not overcome, it is simply no longer needed to express the passion of the self. Distress, despair, all negative emotion is distorted love. It is passion turned and bent and unrecognizable. But as love is all there is, so with your free will you may create ponderous illusion upon illusion, finding perverse comfort in negative emotion, for it is familiar, and that which is familiar is safe, and that which is unfamiliar is not. When one is mindful one finds oneself slowly able to release the fear that has caused the distortion that has created for the self an armor against that which is perceived as a threat. To one continuously aware of the self as love there are no threats, there is only remembrance of the truth of love. 1990/0719.txt:14:The perceptions, the attitude, the manner of seeing is that which is formed and focused through this tempering process. As one works one’s way through the incarnational experiences, one will have many, many different responses to situations that become the focus for work in consciousness. All situations, all entities, all thoughts and experiences become the food, the catalyst for this process; become that which is burned, the fuel for this process. As one works with the heat, the friction of the experience, there is a slow smoothing of those rough places of those distortions within the lens of one’s ability to see, to see in a more and more clearly and specifically focused matter, so that one does not see that which is other than the self, other than the Creator. There is much work that is entailed, as you are well aware of, in this process. The process of smoothing the lens of your consciousness, of your attitude, of your perception, is a process which, within your incarnational experience seems to be a very, very slow working process. 1990/0909.txt:22:Now, we would answer in two ways the practical, down to earth—please forgive our pun—tools of dealing with this situation. First of all, it is necessary to see that the responsibility for this reaction is not the fault of the catalyst that you have been given, but the fact, which is not a fault but merely a condition, that you are not yet able to see that other self as whole and perfect. This is an attitude, a bias, that you came here to shift and change. To one who has no fear, to one who wishes only to serve and love, nothing is unacceptable, for each entity is the Creator, or as this instrument would say in its distortion of belief, each entity is the Christ. All of you are potentially Christed beings. It is up to you as to how you go about moving along the path towards unconditional love. 1990/1014.txt:29:I am Hatonn, and we [inaudible] continue. The doing of the active service, whether it be parenthood, being the peacemaker and “cheerer-upper” of those with whom you work, whatever may be your condition in life, you will find it easier to do nice things for people than to attempt to do sufficient inner work to dwell in eternity while you are [inaudible] the mundane. A portion of your mind that is the artistic or intuitive portion is underused in many in your culture’s age of fact and [inaudible]. You are here to offer other options to entities who did not know they had other options. What are you to yourself? Are you love? What relation do you feel you have with the One? What relation could you have, if love created all there is? And why then, from all these choices, free will is indeed a distortion but is necessary for manifestation. For in this choice lies the very clear objective in reprogramming that within yourself which may resist commitment, worship, practicing the presence of the one Creator, and so forth. So many actions, so many opportunities. Let the meditation be only a touchstone for each day that is spent whenever a sharp sound is heard remembering the encapsulated form, that state of mind that held you enthralled in the light during those fifteen precious minutes that you give to the Creator each day. This is your basic gift. This is your basic method of being of service to others as catalyst. So often it is not what you say, but the person that you are that makes the words that you say substantive. 1992/0405.txt:6:Moving back beyond the beginning of a relationship, moving to a time before there was a relationship, each entity within the relationship was an entity unto itself, yet beneath that truth lay substrata of influences carried into the incarnation and further distorted by early experiences with other selves in the intimate family circle. When two entities meet, they are seemingly to each other fresh out of the bandbox:1 sparkling, virginal and new. Yet in each case, the surface appearance deceives, for each carries a tremendous baggage of previously held biases, some of which might be contradictory to the self, yet equally strongly held, many of which may well be self-destructive. These biases and distortions of opinion are as much a part of what is to be called good about an entity as those things which seemingly would be more apparently good, clear and positive traits such as honesty, judgment and fairness. For each eccentricity, each distortion creates a catalyst with regard to the reflections given to the other self in an intimate relationship, a catalyst that the entity would not have if there were no distortion whatsoever within the intimate mate or companion. 1992/1030.txt:13:Much of the work that your groups do is the deepening of wisdom and compassion. Do not neglect the deepening of love and faith. It is harder to talk about. You can suggest skills, as the ones who are known as Q’uo and Aaron suggested last night—strategies, in a sense—for working with the catalysts of your density. Do not forget the power of prayer, of connection to that light. I know I do not need to say this to this group, but there is nothing I have said today that you do not already know. I only hope to remind you of the importance of tempering your wisdom with faith and with love so that you do not become imbalanced and more susceptible to negative influence through the distortion of love that is not yet firmly understood. 1993/0118_01.txt:47:There is always learning in it for you. Please remember that distortions are not “bad” but merely uncomfortable. They also may be the catalyst for learning. You may come to love even these distortions. If you find yourself in conflict and with hatred arising, with bitterness arising, then you are not paying attention. If you find yourself with frustration and fear arising, that is fine. Fear and frustration do not need to be catalysts for hatred. They can also be catalysts for deeper compassion. Fear can be a warning signal, a red light flashing that says, “Pay attention!” And as you pay closer attention and find compassion for the places in yourself that feel threatened by these choices, then you move into deeper compassion for B and into intuitive wisdom of the open heart that knows how to say no to unwholesome demands. 1993/0321.txt:45:So, you are in this illusion and yet being asked to relate to it openheartedly with balance, working with all the catalysts of the lower chakras, welcoming these catalysts, not preferring the upper-chakra energy, not preferring being angels to the experience of the earthsuit. This is your greatest challenge, because it is so painful to keep coming back to that earthsuit when the heart yearns to be free and back on that plane of light and love where there are no distortions of fear. 1993/0322_01.txt:32:Yes, it may be terrible fear. It may be agonizing physical or emotional pain. It no longer has the capacity to shut out the light. You allow its presence. You move with compassion to the being that is experiencing that catalyst and immediately you are in the light, suffering whatever fear, pain, grief, bewilderment there may be, but still in the light. There is no getting rid of here and no grasping. The energy in the lower chakras becomes blocked when fear assumes such solidity that you begin to fight back. With the second chakra, for example—the spleen chakra—there may be a sense of a self and an other self, a sense that the other is in some way attacking you. Then need to defend arises. The energy becomes distorted at this second chakra and you begin to act, as I have just said, in a dialogue with your fear. At some level, you are aware of the distortion whereby the second chakra is no longer open and spinning freely, whereby energy is not moving through. Fear is intensified. The sense of self is intensified. And there is a grasping to get rid of this catalyst and to reopen one’s energy. 1993/0323.txt:79:Remembering this allows you to find more tolerance for the negativity that is seemingly external to you in the world, and for your own fear, anger and other heavy emotions. When you create the duality of good and evil and see the darkness as a spiraling downward, it enhances not just resistance, but a lack of compassion for that darkness. It enhances the fear that closes the heart. When you see negative distortion in illness of the physical body or the loss of a loved one, or some other great grief or pain, remember: “This is part of the spiral to the light. Can I embrace even this distortion and offer love to it? Can I just be patient with the experience of it? I don’t even have to understand it, just to allow its presence without hatred. The presence of negative distortion does not need to be a catalyst for hatred in me. It can be a catalyst for remembering to offer love.” 1993/0926_01.txt:9:Speaking to the particular distortions and confusions that offer themselves as catalyst in your lives, we come together here with a number of religious biases. I do not mean bias in a negative term, only in the sense of persuasions or beliefs. A bias might be considered a bend, a bend in the clear stream of light such as that bend that light makes when it hits the water, being bent by the mass of that water so it appears to the eye to have a crook in it. Your individual values, experiences and beliefs serve as deflector to the true light, so that the expression of that light becomes individuated into your own personal bias. 1993/0926_01.txt:81:But this has not been the pattern of your culture. Again, why? Because you have all chosen this sense of unworthiness as a catalyst to your growth. You have all chosen birth into this culture and into its particular distortions. You choose the conditions for birth that will offer you the best opportunities for learning. You do not choose incarnative conditions for comfort and convenience. Yes, it is painful. So, what else is new? Are you here to learn or are you not here to learn? You are not incarnated to stop feeling emotions, but to find equanimity with those emotions and compassion for all beings who have emotions. 1994/1106.txt:49:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. In order for an entity to serve as an healer it is necessary in most cases for the entity to have worked enough upon the self within the energy centers or chakras that its centers of energy are in enough balance that the energies that may be used for healing can move through them with minimal distortion. These healing energies, then, are utilized as a means by which the one to be healed’s auric field will be temporarily interrupted in order to allow the older, more distorted pattern of thought to be replaced by a newer, more harmonious pattern of thought that will allow the healing to occur. This is the process, whether the entity needing the healing seeks such from one of your orthodox medical professionals or from an entity that offers the healing catalyst from the more metaphysical background, or modality, of healing. It is necessary for the healer, then, to be able to assist in the interruption of the older patterns of thought that exist within the aura of the one to be healed. 1994/1211.txt:9:In other words, when there is an entity which has, over a period of time, continually created aggravation as catalyst for you then it is well to gaze at that feeling complex regarding that entity with the eye to see where the true source of pain and fear is that is creating the need within to make the separating judgment, for one cannot truly judge another or the self. However, it is a portion of the seeker’s life work to attempt to discriminate for the self, avoiding judgment in the pejorative sense if possible, but focusing carefully to attempt to draw the inner picture which has the least distortion in it. However, when one experiences the reactions within to that which a stranger or a passerby might do one is doing work where there is no work to do. For the truth, whatever that mysterious word is, is not within the chances of desire-driven destiny. 1995/0409.txt:10:Now, how does one work upon the red ray? First, one simply has to become able to express to the self precisely what the attitude is, for we find among your peoples a great ability to gloss over uncomfortable subjects with generalities and half thought out concepts. There is inevitable damage done, if one would call it that. There is, shall we say, inevitable distortion that has taken place for each and every entity within incarnation, for, like the rest of the incarnational tools and resources, sex is intended to cause great catalyst, to cause entities to feel all kinds of befuddlement, anger, grief and so forth. That is one of the great virtues of sexual intercourse and the relationship between two entities concerning their sexuality and their expression, one with the other. One is intended to find this a difficult thing, at least from time to time, for the journey from head to heart must be taught at every level of energy. 1995/1118_01.txt:11:I want to offer a brief example of Barbara’s experience here. She did not ask for the tendonitis in her shoulder or the hernia in her belly. The conscious self did not want these distortions. The conscious self wanted to be healthy and free of pain. The higher wisdom sought the experience of moving into full harmony with the universe and was aware of the use to draw to itself the catalyst needed to make evident the areas of delusion, so as to allow the fullest possible expression of this intended harmony. The personal self agreed, without knowing the details, “This learning is the highest priority. Whatever it takes, I agree.” It was offered milder lessons of the truth of harmony and was unable to pay attention to those. It truly needed something either life-threatening or physically painful to catch its attention. 1996/0512.txt:9:This group has spoken often of the feelings that the self has the dark side and each has worked with this dark side, seeing how it can unhappily distort red, orange and yellow-ray energies. We encourage each, then, to find more and more appreciation of and tolerance of those lessons that seem so basic, for in truth each energy center has the same degree of preciousness. Each ray of self is beautiful to the infinite One. So the task becomes that of attempting to clarify and refine the sense impressions that arise from catalyst as the present moments seem to pass. If there is work to do with self or with other self in clearing these lower energies, we encourage an attitude of enthusiasm for doing the work it takes to get to the heart of whatever distortion or blockage has taken place. 1996/1.txt:4: [overview] Group question: From the Law of One information we have the statement from Ra that “It is the way of distortion that in order to balance distortion one must first accentuate the distortion.” We are wondering if this is done consciously or subconsciously. How does this work in the daily round of activities? How does this work with emotions? Can or should we attempt to control our emotions when we are attempting to balance catalyst? 1996/1122.txt:9:It does not matter what form your channeling takes; there is going to be distortion. And that very catalyst which creates distortion is the greatest gift, because only through that distortion can you really practice compassion and kindness. 1996/1123.txt:75:Clearly you do not intend to offer your energy with the intention of harm. And yet, even when there is no intention of harm, sometimes harm is what comes out. This man had no conscious intention of harm. He felt it a moral necessity to let people know that he felt they had harmed him, not to let them continue what he perceived as their distortion. That does not release him from responsibility for the great pain that he caused. But the negative bearing of his attack on others ultimately served as catalyst which brought much insight for many. So it needs to be understood that there are many factors which determine the labeling of “good” or “bad.” That is all. 1996/1123.txt:101:Do you think you teach more when what flows through you is absolutely pure? Would it just be possible that you teach more when what flows through you does become distorted, and then you very lovingly attend to that distortion, thus helping others also to learn that they do not need to be perfect—they need to be conscious, loving and responsible? Your distortion also offers a catalyst to others through which they are given opportunity to practice with their own fears and distortions. This learning is, after all, the primary motivation for incarnative experience. This is not justification for poisoning the waters; but when the entire movement is deeply considered, it may be better understood that as long as you are human, there will be spills, and they are all part of the learning process of the incarnative experience. 1996/1123.txt:118:Most of you relate to yourselves as broken. When you ask, as Q’uo suggested, “Where is love to be found?” can you see that the love is to be found in both the idea of brokenness and in wholeness? The love is always there in the wholeness—that is easy to see. The sense of brokenness is catalyst which sets you looking for the love. Therefore, the love must also be in that sense of brokenness. The love is in the inspiration which inspires you to seek the love, and that inspiration is often the negative and painful distortion. Nothing is dual here. Within the shadow is found the sunshine! 1996/1215.txt:1: [overview] Group question: From the Law of One information we have the statement from Ra that “It is the way of distortion that in order to balance distortion one must first accentuate the distortion.” We are wondering if this is done consciously or subconsciously. How does this work in the daily round of activities? How does this work with emotions? Can or should we attempt to control our emotions when we are attempting to balance catalyst? 1998/0301.txt:9:We changed from pride to fear because the one known as J was asking which was the ultimate catalyst to be dealt with within third density. And we would respond in general that the only catalyst dealt with in third density is fear and love. The entity begins its babyhood wrapped in love, love known throughout its system, and it learns to close itself, to become apart, and to become defended because it seems fairly obvious that there are things to fear. There are entities and objects out there that can harm and hurt. So the spiritual life within third density may be described as either a learning how to love or a learning how to release fear, for fear is that distortion of love that posits a separation betwixt beings and things, thus occasioning the necessity of having some sort of response to these persons or things that will tend to increase safety and comfort. 1998/0301.txt:20:The next time that you experience the catalyst of feeling that you are yet an incomplete spiritual being, remember the truth of subtracting, of dropping away that which is not. And as you experience those realizations that enable you to drop a part of the ego away, rejoice. You cannot make it happen. You cannot rush it. But there come moments and you perceive that you no longer have that pride or that particular fear. And of that you may be proud and happy, and if that is a distortion also, then so be it. For you are not here to go beyond distortion but to live within distortion by faith, to express within this confusion a trust in the plan that placed you here, a trust in the destiny that is absolutely yours. A feeling that cannot come from proof or words that all that is yours will come to you and that you do not need to reach but only ask “Thy will for me today. What is it? And I will try my best.” That is all that you must do. So do not give up upon the self because it continues to have distortions and confusions. That is all right. You are not supposed to be without illusion. Ah, precious incarnation. If we could but share with you the opportunity that is now yours. If we could share that perception with you fully you would jump for joy. You would rejoice most fully and heartily, for here is the place where you choose by faith alone, and this choice, this expression of faith, however imperfect, creates within that permanent self which is beyond space and time tremendous changes in consciousness which you cannot achieve outside of this third density of yours. For in other densities the veil of knowing is lifted and what virtue is it then to realize that you are your brother and that all those things your brother has are you? There is no virtue in perceiving the color red if your eyes are open. But, ah, with the eyes closed, here you are in a world of color with your eyes closed. For you are in the equivalent of a black and white movie. You are up there on the screen watching yourself. The pigment of the movie screen is grainy, and some of the voices are distorted, and it’s kind of a corny story, and it’s over too soon. But, ah, when you come out of the theater into the light and you look back on that black and white movie and you see the hope and the faith and the caring and the love and the compassion that you truly have had, with no reason for it but just that constant desire for love, to know love, to know the truth, to express that love. Each of you is a gallant, gallant soul and we both envy you and honor you, for you do much that you do not know; even as you suffer, you heal worlds. 1998/0404.txt:6:It is not that an entity incarnates with one mission and can either fulfill it or fail to fulfill it. Rather, there is the setting up of circumstance which may provide the catalyst which was considered desirable by that spirit before incarnation. The system of distortions or biased opinions can show themselves very simply in the growing entity as preferences. Each young spirit in incarnation discovers things that it likes, things that it wishes to avoid. As the incarnation progresses there are repetitions and cycles of experience that lead the entity repeatedly to the crossroads of incarnational choice, not simply once in an incarnation but reliably and dependably again and again. Each spirit will face one or more basic incarnational questions. For instance, this instrument is already aware that its incarnational desire for personal learning was to find situations in which it was able to give without expectation of return. This is, in fact, a fairly common incarnational goal. And to this end, certain biases were chosen by this particular entity. In just this fashion each evolving spirit will in the processes of incarnational living meet situation after situation in which the metaphysical question is repeated, and the choice may again be made for service to others, for service to self. 1998/0419.txt:22:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We may speak to a certain extent. The boundary which we do not wish to cross is that which infringes upon your own free will. However, we find that we may suggest that the catalyst which faces you now in the world of illusion is that which has significance to a deeper portion of your being. And as it does have a potency it therefore affects the perceptions that you experienced when you attempted to enter the meditative state and reach down into a deeper portion of your conscious mind in order harmonize your vibrations as a part of the group meditation. The difficult nature of the catalyst which you now face had its effect upon the images which were being fed to you from your subconscious mind and were attempting to give an indication of the effect of this catalyst upon a basic portion of your personality structure. Therefore, the distortions in your perception occurred as a means whereby the effect of the deeper levels of your being was presenting itself in symbolic form to the conscious mind. 2000/0319.txt:14:There is complete free will to alter the distortions of the self. It is simply that there is tremendous resistance to change from this personality shell. The value of the shell is that it is as the user interface between the self and the catalyst, those faces that meet you face, those thoughts that meet your thoughts, and so forth. It gives you a place to start. It gives you preferences and biases to begin with. It gives you, shall we say, the abode that is as the haven where the precious self within rests in potential, waiting for the opportunity to come forth. 2000/0910.txt:6:When the lifetime begins, memory of this process of choosing the basic themes of the incarnation or the basic lessons of the incarnation is removed. The veil descends, and in complete forgetfulness and innocence the physical child is born with a destiny that is, in some way, complete. This, however, does not abrogate free will. For it is the choices that this entity makes as it faces the relationships that it has chosen to offer itself and the catalyst that it has chosen to offer itself that will create the actual distortions that will be followed throughout the pattern of a lifetime. Consequently, the same relationships and the same situations may occur three different times but if the person is in three different states of mind the outcome of the same catalyst can be three different outcomes, and this is basically the structure of change throughout an incarnation. There will be a repeating theme, or perhaps two or even three themes, of incarnational lesson which bring up material having to do with one or another lesson of love that becomes familiar to the spirit in incarnation to some extent. Each time that it repeats it becomes a little clearer. At least that is the process that is hoped before incarnation. 2001/0304.txt:15:Another aspect which may well help with unclogging blockages is simply to act on the emotion which has been engendered. By this we mean that the basic emotion engendered is located, to the best degree of accuracy possible by the seeker, and then expressed. In the instance that the one known as R spoke of and related the one known as P’s speaking of, the experience was that of waking up [from a night’s sleep] and immediately feeling such a degree of frustration that the desire is to scream. We would encourage moving to a place of safety and screaming, when this feeling occurs. It is not wise to upset others, nor is it wise to upset the environment. However, it is very wise to acknowledge and express emotion when it can be done without infringing upon the free will of others or destroying something within the self. There is a real spiritual value in acknowledging primal distress and in expressing it, even in the most primitive emotional release such as the scream, for it is a scream from the heart that wants to survive, not simply the body that wishes to reproduce or to express its sexual nature. This is the surface of the energy distortion but not its essence. And the seeming catalyst for energy distortion is almost never a linear match with the catalyst that produced it. For within the energy body the system of unconscious memory connection and memory within other lifetimes which includes relationships with this issue or with the entity which is giving catalyst on this issue are numerous. And, consequently, the rational mind, in waking consciousness, shall not be able significantly to penetrate the nature of the actual energy distortion. 2001/0304.txt:21:This is, again and again, in one way and then another, the situation of the seeker within the physical plane. There is not enough. There is no healing. There is only suffering. This is a dark picture, and we would say to you that it is dark as the earth itself. The soil beneath the feet is dark. It is dark, mysterious and fertile. It is the seed of something that will grow through the soil, through the suffering, through the point of pain, to blooming at last in ways that cannot be comprehended at the moment that the suffering is being experienced. Perhaps you could look at the picture as a puzzle that one is so close to that one can only see thirty-five pieces out of the two thousand, and it looks, therefore, like the problem is about a dog and a man. But if one pulls back to gaze at the entire picture, the dog and the man are at the edge of a much larger conflict that involves many more characters and many more issues. When a cycle of suffering has been completed, it is far more easy in hindsight to look into the pattern and say, “Yes, I see the sense of this suffering. I see the point of this catalyst being offered to me. I see where it took me and what I learned, and I am grateful.” We are suggesting that that attitude of gratefulness and thankfulness for the suffering be adopted by faith beforetimes, so that in the midst of suffering, control is released; needs are expressed to the self by the self and then let go. And it is acknowledged that beyond all need, beyond all distortions of energy, beyond all suffering, beyond all limitation, the essence of self is perfect and resting in the most divine love and in the most strong and healing light. 2002/0809.txt:15:The first receptor, then, is the mind, and when there is catalyst that moves into the mind and is not used by the mind, that catalyst moves into the physical vehicle and resides there as points of distortion, sometimes causing the symptoms which could be considered suffering or pain and sometimes hiding from the detection of the observer because of an efficiency of repression that buries the unused catalyst like a treasure beneath the earth of the body. Indeed, many are the entities who have mental difficulties because of an inability to recognize the truth of catalyst or inability to respond fully to the catalyst. 2002/0809.txt:22:Sometimes it is possible to have a sudden realization that cuts through all the layers of illusion and distortion, especially within the lives of those who experience an intensity of seeking, whether it be for a short time or for a long time, as any process of dedicating the life to self study. The realization can come quickly, however this is not usual. Usually, there is a step forward, a step back, two steps forward, one step back, and so forth, so that the net result is a very slow garnering of a wonderful harvest which is self-knowledge. As the self-knowledge increases in quantity and in quality, the self begins to discern patterns of distortion that do not serve to increase understanding within the entity. Once these types of unskillful reactions to catalyst are identified, it becomes possible to intervene in the process of distortion in order either to remove or at least to lessen the distortion that is being processed from catalyst into experience. 2002/0809.txt:23:Many times, the reason for distortion is some opinion concerning the self that is negative. Sometimes the self interprets catalyst to mean that it has been abandoned; sometimes an entity may interpret catalyst in such a way that he feels that he is not good enough. Whatever the negative perception concerning the self, such perception robs the self of its own peace, talent and magic. If an entity is not pleased with itself, if an entity does not feel that it is doing well, it is simply, by this attitude, hampered in the accurate determination of the nature of catalyst, because all negative perception tightens a net of fear about the soul, and within that net the soul within cannot breathe and cannot express itself with freedom and accuracy. It is only within an atmosphere of love that the self begins to be able to see the self clearly. 2003/0105.txt:1: [overview] The question today has to do with the grid of our planet as we are moving from third into fourth density. We are assuming that there are points on this grid that are in need of some attention, some sort of focusing energy which we would like to be able to do, in our meditative state and maybe even in general, just the way we are able to live our lives to produce compassion or love or mercy or forgiveness in our daily round of activities. We would like Q’uo to give us some sort of an idea about how we might be able to be of service in this respect; in strengthening the grid, the road to fourth density from where we are in our daily round of activities in dealing with the catalyst of the day, with our own distortions, with our desire to serve and our feeling like sometimes it’s just too much. 2003/0219.txt:10:With this entity then, the one known as R, we shall walk through some considerations for the work of preparing for a session of work in consciousness. The basic plan for this work would be to choose a single place and a single time of day within which to do this work. This time would be a time of contemplation and what this instrument would call the balancing meditation. This meditation is one in which recent thoughts and biases of the feelings that have been experienced by the self are examined to determine for the self the possible distortions, both positive and negative, that have resided in these pockets of gathered catalyst and e experience. 2003/0504.txt:9:[This instrument] also has had to do a great deal of conscious work upon how to accept the love offerings of others. For, damaged and bruised by the catalyst of its early life, it became, unawares to itself, of the opinion that there was an unworthiness to that entity called Carla which must endure, for there was no hope of becoming adequate or worthy. It is ideas such as these that create a situation in which, rather than feeling confident and sure within the self, the self becomes cast adrift from that center of emotional security within the heart that knows itself to be a worthwhile person. And cast adrift thusly, such entities are ever prone to the self-doubt and the feelings of unworthiness and depression that concur with, or occur at the same time as, these particular distortions in the life pattern. 2003/3.txt:9: [overview] The question today has to do with the grid of our planet as we are moving from third into fourth density. We are assuming that there are points on this grid that are in need of some attention, some sort of focusing energy which we would like to be able to do, in our meditative state and maybe even in general, just the way we are able to live our lives to produce compassion or love or mercy or forgiveness in our daily round of activities. We would like Q’uo to give us some sort of an idea about how we might be able to be of service in this respect; in strengthening the grid, the road to fourth density from where we are in our daily round of activities in dealing with the catalyst of the day, with our own distortions, with our desire to serve and our feeling like sometimes it’s just too much. 2004/0215.txt:12:It is just as important to release the self from past excellent experiences as it is to release the self from past misery and suffering. Does the good time in the past create or add into the reality of your present moment? If so, why? Does the pain and the sorrow that are remembered from past experiences affect, in a living and breathing way, the present moment for you? Ask yourself that. It is important to release that which has been harvested in terms of catalyst and experience. It is a natural thing to take in the food of catalyst and to digest it and work with it and get the good out of it. It is equally important to release the distortion leavings of these experiences from the system. Otherwise, they may well clog the system, making it impossible for your evolutionary energy body to absorb the nutrients of experience and be ready to take in more. If there is any lack of hunger for new things, it is entirely possible that it is because that which has been thoroughly and completely digested in one’s life has not yet been eliminated from the system. When the value of the excellent times and the difficult times of one’s past has been completely appreciated, it then becomes far easier to release these experiences. 2005/0824.txt:16:Each entity becomes a mirror that reflects back to the self what the self is creating and expressing within that group. Certainly, many of the reflections which one receives from such a hall of mirrors, as this instrument has called a spiritually-oriented group, may be warped or distorted in some way, therefore not offering a completely accurate image. However, the colorations and distortions offered by each entity within the group are in themselves interesting and offer in some cases that precious item which is so often under-appreciated by your peoples; that is catalyst. Even those who may see you in a critical or otherwise distorted fashion are of benefit to you in that they offer you material upon which to work both by using your powers of analysis and your powers of intuition and insight. 2006/0212.txt:60:Attempt, then, in preparing yourself to do magical work to, as this instrument has said, become truly humble and empty. Examine your chakra system each day, looking for distortion, either over-activation or under-activation. When you find it, sit with it, gaze at it, invite it, and seek to understand what is triggering your attention on this particular issue. If you can find distortion within yourself from which this fountain of triggering affect stems, move to the origin of that trigger and see what you can do to unearth this buried treasure of it. By removing the gift from its surrounding ore, create the appreciation of the diamond that you have made from your suffering. See the beauty of its purity and know from experience the tremendous pressure of suffering in the fiery furnace of the catalyst of an incarnation. What it has cost you to produce this beauty, this truth, and this treasure! 2006/0707.txt:31:Yet these are also flowers who need sunshine and rain. They are living entities with hopes and dreams; they suffer as much as any grown person. They struggle and they deal with a tremendous amount of incoming catalyst, just as do you, my brother. Yet, because of your situation you are the leader of this little band of souls. As an ethical person who is desirous of serving, we know that you wish to start with the first distortion1 in considering how to move on in creating this environment of classroom. 2009/0127.txt:35:There is a significant point to be made here, that being that it is only sophistically possible to separate the dark side of self from the light side of self. The goal of the progress through an incarnation is to lessen distortion and increase balance. Consequently, it is hoped that in the course of a lifetime of catalyst and the observation of his responses, the seeker shall have the opportunity to examine many of the shadow portions of self, so that those portions of self may be respected, honored and redeemed to a useful and integrated portion of the self within the daylight. Flood a murderer with light and you discover tenaciousness, grit and patience. The shadow side of self will stand ready to be your ally if you can love it, accept it, and ask it for its help. 2016/0305.txt:37:I am Hatonn and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that in the healing process we look upon the body as the creature of the mind that has expressed symptoms that you may call disease or distortions that exist because the mind itself has not been able to successfully process catalyst. When the mind has not achieved this processing of catalyst, then it is that the catalyst is given to the body complex in a symbolic form with the hope that this form of dis-ease, as you would call it, may attract the attention of the mind to notice this catalyst in another form because it was missed the first time around, shall we say. 2016/1217.txt:11:So as you look from a distance and see the Creator experiencing itself, for the moment that you are no longer attached to that image and that experience, you feel love, you feel compassion, you feel understanding, you feel acceptance, and then you move again, placing yourself in the role in which the anger has been experienced, and you lose that distant perspective, you lose the knowledge of the Creator experiencing itself, and this is not a bad thing, my friends—this is why you came here, this is what this illusion offers you. Do not feel bad that you have what you call anger or other distortions. These are the methods by which you learn what you wish to learn. When you are experiencing such catalyst know in your heart and in your soul you are doing what you came to do. 2019/0323.txt:60:One must look in the beginning to the general health of the body, to the ability of the body to function in a normal fashion, so that any anomalies or difficulties that might be experienced by the body may be taken into account when constructing a new dietary regiment. We are aware that many entities have different types of bodily distortions that are due to the catalyst of the daily round of activities not being completely or perfectly perceived by the mind and utilized by the mind, so that there is the necessity then to give to the body some type of a distortion that will attract the attention of the entity that it might utilize the catalyst which was not recognized mentally. Each seeker of truth must-needs find the types of bodily distortions that it is experiencing and look there for the first type of treatment of these distortions being the mental determining or processing of the catalyst that has been, shall we say, ignored or only partially used. 2019/0323.txt:61:Thus, during this process of discovering the type of catalyst that needs to be utilized more effectively, the body may need to be given a different type of foodstuff that would enable the body to temporarily deal with the distortion that comes from the imperfect use of catalyst. If the entities, or entity, seeking the dietary process of perfecting the diet begins with this initial discovery of the state of being of the body, then the more general determination of foodstuffs, according to their quality and their balance in the diet in meeting the body’s needs may then be carried out. 2019/0420.txt:30:There is, then, the increase of what you would call the disease or distortions of the mental and physical vehicles that are representations of the entity’s inability, in some fashion, to welcome and enjoy and utilize these energies to process the catalyst of the daily round of activities. Thus, it is a kind of winnowing effect that is occurring, as the harvest begins to welcome those whose hearts are open to produce the fruit of love and the grains of understanding, and to separate those from the chaff, shall we say, that are unable to do this. We do not mean to be degrading to those who are unable to open the heart widely enough to welcome these energies, for they are the Creator attempting to know itself in a fashion which is becoming too much to bear, shall we say, [and] the circuitry of the body complex fails as does that of the mind. 2020/0111.txt:23:I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The body is the creature of the mind’s creation. Therefore, it is oftentimes the case that the body will be utilized by the mind and the spirit when certain catalyst, or opportunities for growth have not been fully recognized or utilized in the life experience. These types of catalyst then, are sometimes given to the body in order that they may be expressed in a kind of distortion, or what you would call a dis-ease. This dis-ease, then, grabs the attention of the mind, which has not fully perceived the catalyst upon the mental level, and if the seeker of truth looks at the dis-ease as a symbol of that catalyst which has not been fully utilized, there may be the apprehension then, of a deeper meaning to the dis-ease so that one may find a kind of correlation to the disease and the catalyst. 2020/0208.txt:48:“Now, there is an outbreak of the novel coronavirus in China, and it has caused lots of worries, rumors, separations among people, as this coronavirus outbreak partially resembles the SARS outbreak in China in 2002 to 2003. Q’uo, without infringing upon the free will and providing your point of view, could you indicate the origin of the novel coronavirus? Is the coronavirus man-made, as Q’uo indicated for SARS? And whether it is man-made or not, what’s the metaphysical meaning behind this coronavirus outbreak? Does this kind of collective catalyst also reflect the dysfunctional, unhealthy and pathological aspects of our current social system, just as individual physical distortion reflects catalyst unused by the mind complex?”new speakerQ’uo 2021/0219.txt:11:We find that so often, the stumbling blocks upon the spiritual path include the internal distortion of resistance to that which is —and this resistance can become a perpetuating cycle as the seeker is met with a difficult situation, a persisting theme, or a general unpleasant experience in their lives, and aversion causes the seeker to fight against this experience in order to vanquish it. And yet, we find this approach, when lacking the love of acceptance, generates a metaphysical charge that will, in many cases, perpetuate and even increase the intensity of the catalyst which is fought. So the first approach described within the query—that of surrendering—may, in a moment, be that which the seeker needs the most and, in that moment, is the extent of a spiritual approach that can be taken to then release the charge of perpetuating catalyst, thus allowing the seeker to accept the catalyst and utilize it for their spiritual growth. 2021/0331.txt:38:We may note that this in no way presupposes that either the callers or those of our group in any way approach a perfection, or purity, such as was described in the bidding process. The calling group may have many distortions and be working with much catalyst, as may those of Ra. The overriding desire to serve others, bonded with the unique harmonics of this group’s vibratory complexes, gives us the opportunity to serve as one channel for the One Infinite Creator. 2021/0623.txt:88:Yeah. I’m glad, Q’uo, that you said religious systems in there, too, because that would have to be in the top five of unintentional enslavement. But while we’re on that theme of slavery which has spontaneously arisen today in this session, I had a planned question that connects to that. It’s from our friend Jonathan, who writes: “I’m very appreciative of Q’uo and the information shared that continuously helps me and others on our spiritual path. Due to the distortion of slavery, African Americans do not have a ‘home country’ or origin story where we can trace our roots. Could Q’uo share any history, origin, and/or group information about African American peoples on our planet? Was the lack of history/origin story in this physical illusion a preprogrammed catalyst for spiritual growth?”new speakerQ’uo 2021/0707.txt:48:Or perhaps, instead, that data is sat with and listened to and unpacked as you call it, and, as we were speaking through the previous instrument, blended into the processes of analysis and synthesis. For the intuition offers to the self inspiration. Inspiration is connected to grace. It asks of the self that some more work be done, indeed, in the processes of reflection and thinking and examination of catalyst, but it creates space whereby that which is outside the purview and understanding of the conscious mind may arrive as inspiration which illuminates the mind and helps the self to process catalysts that the journey may continue ever upward, in the falling away of distortion, that the self may recognize the true self, who the self has always been the self beneath the camouflage of its beliefs, that is the One Creator. 2021/0908.txt:15:And as each energy center is activated, it contains within it certain distortions that you have adopted through your experiences or through your preincarnational planning that, as this energy flows, meets this friction and generates the most basic polarity in your octave of mover and moved, experience for the Creator. And this experience may be utilized as catalyst to further understand the nature of the self as Creator. 2021/0922.txt:48:This awareness of the distortions developed by an upbringing within a distorted society become ever more important, for an individual may balance the self and clear the self of distortions to a certain degree, [and] an entity may seem to be balanced and move with ease about the society, offering service where it is requested, yet there is an ever difficult process of examining those things that are nearly universally agreed upon within a society and determining whether or not these aspects of society that have seeped into the heart of the self are in alignment with the chosen path of service to others or even service to self. And if these deep seated, widely accepted distortions do not match with the seeker’s chosen vibration, then the seeker accepts the responsibility for the society and will begin to generate catalyst for the self that calls the attention more and more to that which will put it at odds with society. 1981ra-contact/004.txt:99:One of the primal distortions of the Law of One is that of healing. Healing occurs when a mind/body/spirit complex realizes, deep within itself, the Law of One; that is, that there is no disharmony, no imperfection; that all is complete and whole and perfect. Thus, the intelligent infinity within this mind/body/spirit complex re-forms the illusion of body, mind, or spirit to a form congruent with the Law of One. The healer acts as energizer or catalyst for this completely individual process. 1981ra-contact/012.txt:136:The seventh, or violet, ray is unimpaired, this being not only an energy receptor but a sum total of the vibratory level of the individual. The other energy centers are also quite clear. The solution to healing in this case is action that puts into practice the peaceful understanding, in humility-distortion, that the entity is one with the Creator, therefore perfected and not separate. In each case of what you would call ill health, one or more of these energy centers is blocked. The intelligence of the mind/body/spirit complex needs, then, to be alerted either by the self as healer or by the catalyst of another healer, as we have said before. 1981ra-contact/017.txt:20:We, ourselves, do not feel an urgency for this information to be widely disseminated. It is enough that we have made it available to three, four, or five. This is extremely ample reward, for if one of these obtains fourth-density understanding due to this catalyst then we shall have fulfilled the Law of One in the distortion of service. 1981ra-contact/034.txt:65:Finally, one may polarize very strongly third ray1 by expressing the principle of universal love at the total expense of any distortion towards involvement in bellicose actions. In this way the entity may become a conscious being in a very brief span of your time/space. This may be seen to be what you would call a traumatic progression. It is to be noted that among your entities a large percentage of all progression has, as catalyst, trauma. 1981ra-contact/048.txt:33:Within fourth-density positive there are minor amounts of catalyst of a spiritual- and mental-complex distortion. This occurs during the process of harmonizing to the extent of forming the social memory complex. This causes some small catalyst and work to occur, but the great work of fourth density lies in the contact betwixt the societal self and less polarized other-self. 1981ra-contact/052.txt:49:The overriding reason for the offering of these Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow in incarnative states is the possibility of aiding other-selves by the lightening of the planetary-consciousness distortions and the probability of offering catalyst to other-selves which will increase the harvest. 1981ra-contact/054.txt:65:Now, I would like to then consider the origin of catalyst in— First we have the condition of mind/body/spirit complex which, as a function of the First Distortion, has reached a condition of blockage, or partial blockage, of one or more energy centers. I will assume that catalyst is necessary only if there is at least partial blockage of one energy center. Is this correct? 1981ra-contact/054.txt:81:Thus the less developed entity will perceive the catalyst about it in terms of survival of the physical complex, with the distortions which are preferred. The more conscious entity, being conscious of the catalytic process, will begin to transform the catalyst offered by the sub-Logos into catalyst which may act upon the higher energy nexi. 1981ra-contact/054.txt:82:Thus the sub-Logos can offer only a basic skeleton, shall we say, of catalyst. The muscles and flesh—having to do with the, shall we say, survival of wisdom, love, compassion, and service—are brought about by the action of the mind/body/spirit complex on basic catalyst so as to create a more complex catalyst which may, in turn, be used to form distortions within these higher energy centers. 1981ra-contact/054.txt:134:I am Ra. This is not a pointless question, for catalyst and the requirements, or distortions, of the energy centers are two concepts linked as tightly as two strands of rope. 1981ra-contact/055.txt:37:We may note that this in no way presupposes that either the callers or those of our group in any way approach a perfection, or purity, such as was described in the bidding process. The calling group may have many distortions and be working with much catalyst, as may those of Ra. The overriding desire to serve others, bonded with the unique harmonics of this group’s vibratory complexes, gives us the opportunity to serve as one channel for the One Infinite Creator. 1981ra-contact/055.txt:67:The chamber you request to be informed about is a resonating chamber. The bottom of such a structure, in order to cause the appropriate distortions for healing catalyst, shall be open. 1981ra-contact/057.txt:92:I am Ra. If those who desired to be healers [were] of a crystallized nature, and were all supplicants those wishing less distortion, the pyramid would be, as always, a carefully designed set of parameters to distribute light and its energy so as to aid in healing catalyst. 1981ra-contact/061.txt:25:We may say that while these information systems are interesting they are in sway only insofar as the entity or entities involved have not made totally efficient use of catalyst, and, therefore, instead of accepting the, shall we say, negative or retrograde moments or periods without undue notice, have the distortion towards the retaining of these distortions in order to work out the unused catalyst. 1981ra-contact/061.txt:48:In the case of the scribe we see a weariness and numbness of feelings ensuing from lack of using catalyst designed to sensitize this entity to quite significant influxes of unfamiliar distortion complexes of the mental/emotional and spiritual level. As the numbness removes itself from the higher, or more responsive, complexes, the bodily-complex distortions will vanish. This is true also of the other examples. 1981ra-contact/064.txt:78:In the most basic sense, any allopathic healer may be seen to, perhaps, be one whose desire is service to others in alleviation of bodily-complex and mental/emotional-complex distortions so that the entity to be healed may experience further catalyst over a longer period of what you call the life. This is a great service to others, when appropriate, due to the accumulation of distortions toward wisdom and love which can be created through the use of the space/time continuum of your illusion. 1981ra-contact/064.txt:82:Let us assume that a bodily distortion occurs within a particular entity who then has a choice of seeking allopathic aid or experiencing the catalyst of the distortion and not seeking correction of the distortion. Can you comment on the two possibilities for this entity and his analysis of each path? 1981ra-contact/066.txt:157:There are still instances of the types of disease which are associated with the mind-complex distortions of negative emotions such as anger. However, in an harvestable entity these emotional distortions are much more likely to be used as catalyst in an expressive and destructive sense as regards the object of anger. 1981ra-contact/066.txt:163:Moreover, in an unpolarized entity catalyst of the physical distortion nature will be generated at random. The hopeful result is, as you say, the original choice of polarity. Oftentimes this choice is not made, but the catalyst continues to be generated. 1981ra-contact/066.txt:169:Catalyst is offered to the entity. If it is not used by the mind complex it will then filter through to the body complex and manifest as some form of physical distortion. The more efficient the use of catalyst, the less physical distortion to be found. 1981ra-contact/066.txt:172:Indeed, on some third-density planetary spheres catalyst has been used more efficiently. In the case of your planetary sphere there is much inefficient use of catalyst and, therefore, much physical distortion. 1981ra-contact/083.txt:133:In these cases it may indeed seem a great waste of the catalyst of pain; and a distortion towards feeling the tragedy of so much pain may be experienced by the other-self. However, it is well to hope that the other-self is grasping that which it has gone to some trouble to offer itself; that is, the catalyst which it desires to use for the purpose of evolution. 1981ra-contact/086.txt:36:For those whose green-ray energy centers have been activated—as well as for those whose green-ray energy centers are offered an unusual unblockage due to extreme catalyst, such as what is termed the physical death of the self, or one which is beloved occurring in what you may call your near future—dreaming takes on another activity. This is what may loosely be termed precognition, or a knowing which is prior to that which shall occur in physical manifestation in your yellow-ray third-density space/time. This property of the mind depends upon its placement, to a great extent, in time/space so that the terms of present and future and past have no meaning. This will, if made proper use of by the mind/body/spirit complex, enable this entity to enter more fully into the all-compassionate love of each and every circumstance, including those circumstances against which an entity may have a strong distortion towards what you may call unhappiness.1 1981ra-contact/094.txt:74:I can understand, to use a poor term again, the necessity for an archetype for Catalyst, or a model for Catalyst of the Mind, but what is the reason for having a blueprint or model for Experience of the Mind other than this simple model of the dual repository for the negative and positive catalyst? It would seem to me that the First Distortion of Free Will would be better served if no model for experience were made. I’m somewhat confused on this. Could you clear it up? 1981ra-contact/101.txt:6:I am Ra. All energy levels of the instrument are somewhat diminished due to the distortions of physical pain and recent mental/emotional catalyst. However, the energy levels appear to be very liable to be improved in what you call your immediate future. 1981ra-contact/103.txt:24:Since this catalyst has been accepted, the work begun to remove distortions blocking the indigo ray might well be continued apace. 1981ra-contact/106.txt:93:We may note that, for the purposes you intend, the location, [address], whether humid or arid, is uncharacteristically well-suited. The aggravated present distortions of the instrument having abated due to lack of acute catalyst, the condition of the location about which the assumption was made is extremely beneficial. 1981ra-contact/adept-cycle.txt:14:We may say that while these information systems are interesting, they are in sway only insofar as the entity or entities involved have not made totally efficient use of catalyst, and, therefore, instead of accepting the, shall we say, negative or retrograde moments or periods without undue notice, have the distortion towards the retaining of these distortions in order to work out the unused catalyst. 1981ra-contact/psychic-greetings.txt:2:The goal of the negative entity is to disrupt the light, to distract the focus, and, in the most extreme cases, to enslave or extinguish the light. However, in this dynamic, it is to be noted that the negative greeting can only enhance and intensity the pre-existing distortions within the self. If the person does not respond with fear but exercises love and forgiveness for self and others, seeing the negative greeting as offering a service by highlighting the “chinks in the armor,” then the negative greeting can, like all catalyst, become an accelerant for spiritual evolution. 2022/0323.txt:35:This, we understand, is not a simple or easy task upon your planet. It is designed within third density that you must, in order to grow in a spiritual sense, interact with a multitude of other-selves, each with their own unique set of distortions. And we understand that to share a message of peace and of love in all situations may be seen as even controversial. To your peers, the message of peace may seem illogical when the potential for harm or destruction appears imminent. We may not offer a solution to this third density logic, may we say, for that is the task of the third density entity to sort out. But we may say that, in the attempt to solve the conundrum of offering peace in opposition to bellicosity when bellicosity seemingly overcomes peace, that to dedicate oneself so wholeheartedly to peace and to join others in this dedication widens the pathways of inspiration and manifests a certain light that can act as a catalyst that transforms not only the self, but has a great potential to transform the aggressor and to transform those who have dug in and dedicated themselves to division to imposing their control upon the world. 2022/0420.txt:14:When we have interacted with your planet in more direct ways, we have found that this influence has been a source of more confusion than enlightenment, that the catalyst offered by this interaction had less chance of offering positive transformational growth and instead increased distortions of a more negative or service-to-self nature because of our lack of understanding in how the particular light that we shared would be received. 2022/0420.txt:33:What is it that transpires between the two in this scenario? Does the teacher do the learning for the student by teaching them a subject, say, such as math, or in your case, metaphysics and philosophy and the using of catalyst for growth? If such a teacher attempts to learn for the student, the teacher has entered, perhaps innocently and inadvertently, into what can grow to be fairly significant imbalance and distortion, and there is [then] a short-circuiting or subversion of the student’s free will and sacred duty to learn what is theirs to learn. The teacher, in attempting to do the learning for the student, may supplant the student’s processes and attempt to impose that teacher’s view of the world upon the student. 2022/0420.txt:39:To assume that we, through our service, could do this so-called learning for the self would be a gross imbalance and distortion on our parts. So, instead, in respect to the sovereignty of the entity upon their own path, we remind them that our words are but a resource for their consideration, one among a variety of other resources. Everything is potentially a resource for the entity. Indeed, the entire creation is offering itself as support for the entity’s upward evolution, both in pleasure and in pain. Each thing, when seen from the higher perspective, is a catalyst for the entity’s growth. We are happy to share our resource in the reciprocation of teaching/learning and learning /teaching. In so doing we learn about ourselves each time we offer our message. 2022/1126.txt:8:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Each person within the third-density illusion will have the catalyst from time to time of physical, mental, or emotional distortions that tend to take the attention and the focus of one’s consciousness away from the primary goal of each third-density seeker of truth, which is to discover the spiritual journey that has as its goal the unification of the seeker with the One Creator within. 2022/1126.txt:9:When there is catalyst of a distracting nature, whether mental, emotional or physical, this catalyst may be seen as a means of reminding the spiritual seeker that there is still a distance to be traveled in order to realize the spiritual quality of any catalyst that might occur to one within the third-density illusion. This catalyst is that which has as its purpose a reminder that there is a great deal more to one’s life experience than the experience of the catalyst. One may, as a means of self-discovery, move within the meditative states and see how the catalyst of whatever distortion is manifesting is becoming a potential for a further realization of the spiritual journey. 2022/1126.txt:10:If you ask in meditation, what is the purpose? What is the solution? What is the fruit of the catalyst? There is the possibility that that still small voice within which is the Creator will respond by giving you the overview, the greater picture that exists within each person’s life, so that you may put into perspective the catalytic effects of whatever distortion you feel in mind, body or emotions, and find that there is yet, and always will be, the primary spiritual effort to seek and serve the One Creator in all, including within the self, and to go forth in whatever way is indicated most helpful for you by that still small voice within. 2022/1126.txt:11:Each has this ability to utilize any catalyst of difficulties and distortions that one may experience upon the spiritual path. This is the means by which such may gain understanding and reunification with that spiritual journey that one is on at all times. Is there a further query, by brother?new speakerTom 2023/0215.txt:17:For it is the desire and the will of the seeker that allows for the mind/body/spirit complex to connect and align with the perfection of the spirit complex itself in order to tap into that essential shuttle or gateway that allows for the experience of the Creator to be touched and manifested within the being as joy. This is done through the making of the essential choice within the third density of service to others or service to self. For before this choice is made, the desire of the entity may be based upon the whims of the personal distortions, the personal biases, many which were chosen by the entity prior to incarnating, some of which were adopted by the entity subsequent to incarnating, but ultimately all intended to deliver catalyst to the entity so that the experience of this catalyst could be distilled into the option of making this essential choice. And once this entity makes the choice and dedicates the self to that choice, the nature of the creation itself shifts within the entity and about the entity so that as the choice is reiterated within the entity’s being and through the entity’s actions, this desire grows and becomes more and more innate and becomes that which is in alignment with the essential nature of the spirit complex. 2023/0225.txt:39:We are those of Q’uo and we are aware of this query, my brother. We find that the word purity sometimes can cause some confusion and we only wish to convey that purity in this sense is that of deep heart-rooted intention. For you are each on this large experiment, if you will, where one will fumble. One will not understand a situation. One may act out of impulse or react, and though the behavior may not be seen as what you would call pure, the catalyst, the motivation for said behavior could be investigated and contemplated and seen for what amounts to some distortion of love. It is that process of refinement, of understanding behavior that is at its core a pure intention. 2023/0311.txt:94:To help guide you and how you can assess the certain pressures and certain experiences as you find them in certain aspects of your energy body, we may demonstrate or use an example of how one energy center being out of balance in a certain way—perhaps either under-activated or over-activated—may be compensated by the under activation or over activation of another energy center. So any adjustment to one energy center may have inevitable influence on another energy center depending on the specific distortion found within the energy body. And so, we suggest a process whereby having this understanding of the energy centers imbalanced within you, you relate this imbalance to your experiences and your daily round of activities, and specifically look for catalyst that may speak to this imbalance, perhaps starting with the lower chakras and in discovering this catalyst using your own balancing processes and acceptance in order to bring that lower chakra into balance.