Hello I'm an Owen Sound constitutent and I'm with Grey/Bruce Citizens for protecting our Rights. This call is being recorded. Do you agree with the following statements: "I open my heart with loving kindness to all my constituents." "All constituents deserve human rights." "Force and coercion destroy lives." "Fear and anger are to be managed with meditation, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance." It has come to many people's attention that the previous council voted in favour of apartheid segregation and medical coercion which has led to much injury and death. It may be years until we know the total death count from the coerced medical experiment. What strategies do you employ to avoid being coerced by fear propoganda into hurting your constituents with human rights violations? Have you heard of the "Tyranny of the Majority" and do you support the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and international human rights treaties? Are you aware that according to Rystad Energy which advises OPEC, IEA, and World Bank that we only have about 9 years of proven oil reserves left? Did you know that there are no viable renewable alternatives, and without oil we wont be able to fuel tractors or trucks to stock grocery stores? Are you aware that forcing people into high density urban housing is in direct violation of ICESCR 1.2 that states all peoples much have enough natural wealth for subsistence? What methods will you employ to help make sure that all people, especially the homeless are given enough land to grow their own food, firewood, clothing and shelter? Are you open to the idea of increasing the size of Owen Sound, so that all constitutents can have enough land to grow their own food?